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Medication Review
Every medication or drug you take has a range of possible side effects. Often a patient does not experience any side effects and the treatment is successful. Sometimes, however, you may take a medication and experience a side effect which you might associate with the drug or you might think is not to do with the medication.
Some patients may be on a combination of drugs for different issues and sometimes these don't work well together. Frequently, there are alternative options which would work better for you.
Equally after being initially prescribed a treatment, your health may have changed and therefore the treatment dosage needs to change.
Some patients who are taking many medications in 1 day, struggle to organise them correctly to optimise their benefits.
Our Clinical Pharmacist, Ujwala Sangam, has years of experience and in-depth knowledge of drugs, their dosage and possible side effects and can see patients and review their medication with them.
If changes are suggested, after discussion, Ujwala can contact your prescriber with the appropriate advice of changes needed. This is her role in the NHS and she regularly works with Consultants and GPs helping them with their patients.
She has tips to assist patients with taking multiple meds throughout 1 day particularly if you are older and find the dosage confusing and can formulate a Medication plan for you.
Medication review (up to 5 medications) 30 minutes £120
Medication review (more than 5 medications) 45 minutes £135
For your appointment, beforehand we ask you to:
complete details on your medications and dosage,
any health issues or concerns you have you would
copy of a recent blood test if you have one in the last 6-12 months. The blood test result will show your liver and kidney function which is important in reviewing medications. You can request this result from your NHS Dr or it may be on the NHS App. If you do not have a recent blood test we can arrange one for you.
Clinical Example 1
Mr S taking Ramipril for blood pressure had a persistent cough for 6 months. He had seen his GP several times and had been advised to drink water. Ujwala had reviewed him and advised that a cough was a side effect of Ramipril. His medication was changed and the annoying cough gone.
Clinical example 2
Mrs C had been on Apixaban for a heart condition, Atrial fibrillation. She started to develop dry skin which was getting worse and was very itchy and distressing. Her GP referred her to a Dermatologist who was unable to help. Ujwala reviewed her medication and advised that a fairly rare side effect of Apixaban is dry itchy skin. Her medication was changed and her skin returned to normal.
30 min
120 British pounds45 min
135 British pounds