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Joints and Injuries: Treating Pain and Arthritis

Pain can be a major symptom of arthritis, and is your body's way of alerting you that your body is being harmed. Pain can be caused by physical injury or damage to your body, or because of damage that occurs as part of a long-term condition. Doctors define chronic pain as pain that’s lasted for more than 12 weeks or that’s lasted for longer than would be expected for the type of injury or level of damage. At My Specialist GP, we understand that chronic pain may need extra attention, and will help you advise on the best course of action. Chronic Pain and Arthritis It can be possible to identify a cause of your pain, and it is important that you do so to prevent any continued damage to your bones, joints, or muscles. Pain can cause emotional effects, too. Living with long-term pain can affect your self-confidence, ability to undertake tasks, and can affect your mood. Chronic pain can be a sign of:

  • An underlying condition such as arthritis

  • Nerve damage or disease.

Arthritis is the inflammation of your joints. There are over 100 types of arthritis, with different treatment methods, and the most common type is Osteoarthritis. The main symptoms of Osteoarthritis include:

  • Limited range of motion that sometimes goes away after movement

  • Clicking or popping with bending

  • Muscle weakness around the joint

  • Instability or buckling of the joint

  • Bony growths in the fingers

  • Grating or scraping feeling in the knees

Symptoms of arthritis develop over time, but may also develop suddenly. This can affect children, teens and younger adults, too. Osteoarthritis commonly develops after the age of 50 or 60 years, but there is evidence to show this can be caused earlier, too. It is important that, if you are concerned about pain, you get it checked to be safe. How can we treat you? Dr Andrew Jackson has a special interest in MSK, which concerns Joints, Bones and Muscles. He is able to offer general medical care, as well as assessments and referrals for MSK and injections for joint problems. Currently, imaging such as X-Rays, Ultrasound scans or MRI can be arranged promptly through local, specialised providers if required. Fees for tests are quoted separately before making a booking - so there are no hidden fees. A follow-up appointment will be needed with your GP here to discuss the results and they will review your report with you - from the Specialist or Radiologist. ​ We can also offer joint injections to relieve chronic pain conditions such as arthritis and we offer 3 types of injections: Steroid or Viscosupplementation. The types of injections are:

  • Corticosteroid (Triamcinolone /Kenalog)

  • Viscosupplementation (Hyaluronan: Ostenil or Durolane)

How can I book this? You can book an MSK Appointment at My Specialist GP, which includes a consult fee and MRI referral if needed, for £230.00. You can do this by clicking here. If you have any previous or notes or images, then it is advisable you bring them with you. Injections will vary in price, and it is possible that you may not need one, but you can find out more information on those here.

Please bring with you any recent results such as X-Rays, Scans or blood tests as this may allow a speedier diagnosis and treatment plan.

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